Curriculum Vitae

On site Offshore in gulf of Mexico.
Name: Stig Lars Olov Björfelt
Born: March.24.1952.
Address: Smörsoppsvägen 20.66342 Hammarö.Sweden
Cellphone: Int: +46708134516. Nat:0708134516
Education,place,year of examination
9-Year basic school.Kristinehamn.Sweden 1968
2-Year.ElectricianSchool.Kristinehamn.Sweden 1970
4-Year.Electro Engineering School.Karlstad.Sweden 1974
Degree: B.SC.Electro/Automation.
Military Service.Bergslagens artillery.Kristinehamn.Sweden. 1975
Studies to certified ”European Expert in maintenance management. 1994
Courses,Location Year:
SCR.Thyristor rectifiers.Servicecourse.ASEA.Västerås.Sweden. 1977
PLC.Programmable Logic controllers.Service course.ASEA.Sweden. 1978
Hydraulics.Servicecourse.Sperry-Vickers.Borlänge.Sweden. 1980
Offshore safety course.Haugesund.Norway. 1983
Offshore-Cranes.Servicecourse.Liebherr.Austria. 1983
Dynamic Position.Service course.Kongsberg albatross.Kongsberg. 1983
Offshore Diving techniques.Chalmers.Gothenburg.Sweden. 1983
High Voltage.Safety course.SIFU.Malmö.Sweden. 1983
HPR.Positioning and BOP-control.Simrad.Horten.Norway. 1985
Procontic.Vessel management/alarm system.Servicecourse. 1988
BBC. (NEBB). Oslo.Norway.
Helitron.Computerized thrustercontrol.Liaan.Aalesund.Norway. 1988
Today.Kongsberg maritime. Norway.
Heinzmann.Electronic RPM governors.Wärtsilä-Wichmann.Bömlo. 1989
SPM.Computerized maintenance of bearings. SPM.Oslo.Norway. 1989
Hydraulics servicecourse.Hycon.Haugesund.Norway. 1990
Hydralift.Computerized control of Offshore cranes.Haugesund. 1991
Newman.Computerized thrustercontrol.Rolls-Royce/KaMeWa 1992
Kristinehamn.Sweden.Today Kongsberg maritime.Sweden
Offshore safety refresh. RGIT.Aberdeen.Scotland. 1993
Programma.Calibration of switchboard protection relays. 1994
High voltage safety regulations for DP-vessels.Faraday training 1997
Offshore safety refresh.Borre.Horten.Norway. 1997
Refresh courses every 4th year. 2001,2005,2009
Can man advanced.Computerized thrustercontrol.Rolls-Royce/ 2000
KaMeWa.Kristinehamn.Sweden.Today Kongsberg Maritime
Damatic XDI/DNA. Servicecourse.CAE,Valmarine.Drammen.Norway. 2003
Offshore safety refresh.Incl HUET.Valid until 2013. 2009
Service technician.ASEA-service.Karlstad.Sweden.(Today ABB). 1975-79
Marine Service Engineer.KaMeWa.Kristinehamn.Sweden. 1979-83. Today Kongsberg Maritime. Sweden
El/automation engineer onboard MSV Safe Karinia.Consafe Offshore.1983-85
El/automation engineer onboard Drillrig Vinni.(petrobraz 23). 1985-86. SDS Drilling.Oslo.Norway.(today Transocean)
El/automation engineer onboard DSV Seaway Pelican. Stolt-Comex Seaway. Norway. (today Subsea7) 1986-98
Selfemployed in Consultancy MultiControl Services AB 1998-
Certificates, authority.
Norwegian El-Automation officer with High Voltage certificate. NMD
Norwegian Driftleder for high voltage on Norwegian continental shelf. NVE
Swedish Certificate for electric installations. Swedish industriverket.
Senior diving Technician.(Association of Offshore Diving Contractors)AODC
Certified ”European Expert in Maintenance Management” EFNMS
(European Federation of National Maintenance Societies)
Offshore certificate with HUET. Valid until 2013 OLF
(Helicopter underwater evacuation training)
MIST-certificate for UK offshore sector. 2011
- Experience from several technical Hazop-studies.(Risk analyzis,FMEA)
- Experience from different computerized maintenance systems.
- Very familiar with regulations for DP-vessels.(Dynamic Positioning)
- Fluent in written and spoken English.
- Fluent (almost) in written and spoken Norwegian.
- Project management for Subsea 7 regarding upgrading of vessel management system onboard DSND Pelican.(DP-class 3,AUTRO) Valmarine Damatic replacement of BBC Procontic.
- Profile on Linkedin.